533 St. Albert Air Cadets
The Air Cadets have been a permanent tenant of the Community Hall for more
than 50 years. Serving youth aged 12 to 18, the group provides leadership and
citizenship training with an emphasis on flying and the aviation industry.
Website Email: 533rcacs@gmail.com
St. Albert (Host) Lions Club
This Lions Club moved to the Community Hall in 1995. The club provides services and donations to
needy individuals and groups in St. Albert and the surrounding area as well as internationally. Our primary
activities are in the areas of assistance to seniors; visually, physically, or mentally disadvantaged
individuals; youth groups or programs; local hospital or health related programs, and the Lions Park
recreational facility. Meets the first and third Tuesday evenings. 780-459-4144
St. Albert Fish and Game Association
The St Albert Fish & Game Association is a conservation club within the Alberta Fish & Game
Association. "To promote through education lobbying and programs the conservation and utilization of
fish and wildlife and to protect and enhance the habitat they depend on." Our general meetings are the
second Tuesday of each month except July & August at 8:00 P.M. in the St. Albert Community Hall 17
Perron St. St Albert and are open to the public. Our membership fees are $35.00 per year effective
from the date of purchase for one year. Contact is Phil Ficht at (780) 458-2015 or email
Weight Watchers
Weight Watchers has called the St. Albert Community Hall home for over 20 years. We meet
every Wednesday 5:30 PM, Friday 11:45 AM and Saturday 9:15 AM. Visit us online
www.WWAB.CA or call 780-424-6491 for more information.
St. Albert Karate Club
The St. Albert Karate Club, incorporated under the Societies’ Act of Alberta, has been operating in St.
Albert since 1976. Through skills training, incorporating flexibility, strength and coordination, with an
intrinsic component of mental focus, karate training enhances all aspects of personal development.
780-476-2397 Website
Fox Kickboxing
Foxy Kickboxing was created by women, for women. It is fun, empowering, and did we mention it’s
an awesome workout? You will be sore and sweaty, but you will love it! Kickboxing will help
increase fat loss, stress relief, flexibility, and self confidence. All around it just kicks ass.
Phone 1-888-974-FOXY (3699), Email info@foxykickboxing.ca http://foxykickboxing.ca/
Nourish Me Cooking Classes
Nourish me cooking classes realizes the challenges around feeding your family healthy
delicious food while working within a budget. I have endless ideas for quick and easy
meals and snacks. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be expensive, nor does it have to be
bland. Find out how at one of my classes and discover how simple it can be!
www.nourishmecookingclasses.com 780-604-7357
St. Albert Taxpayers Association
The St. Albert Taxpayers Association is a registered non-profit society formed in 2008. Our
role is as an advocacy group for municipal accountability. We are non-partisan and do not
support any individual running for office. We moved our regular meetings to the St. Albert
Community Hall in 2010. Our Vision is: a St. Albert where all can afford to live: taxes are
affordable and municipal spending is in the best interest of the majority.
Hardcorps Fitness Boot Camp
HardCorps Fitness BootCamp is the Original Bootcamp program that started the Bootcamp
fitness revolution here in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Every workout will include cardio,
strength, endurance, flexibility and core conditioning combined with a fun and life rewarding
experience. If you are ready to master your mind, body and emotions by achieving your
fitness goals, you are ready to call on HardCorps.
Meets: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 5:30-6:30am
website: www.hardcorpsfitnessbootcamp.com email: hardcorpsfitness@shaw.ca
St. Albert’s Original Gathering Place
© St. Albert Community League 2016.
Regular Tennants