In 1996/97 the Community League undertook a series of activities to modernize its image and profile within the
city. As part of that process, the League held a district-wide open competition for the creation of a new logo to
reflect the various activities of the Community League and the various users of the Community Hall. The winning
entry was submitted by Maurice Beier of St. Albert.
Logo Rationale:
The colour chosen for the St. Albert and District Community League logo represent the colours of the City of St.
Albert. The open-ended roof represents the openness of the Community League to all community groups.
Rainbow colours of the people represent the diversity, variety, and number of groups using the St. Albert
Community Hall. The looseness and freedom of style of the logo represents the many groups of young people
who recognize the Community Hall as their home.
This logo appears prominently on the Community Hall, this website, and on Community League stationery.
St. Albert’s Original Gathering Place
© St. Albert Community League 2016.
Our Logo